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Shiva Moon Light

Shiva Moon Light

Welcome Home Goddess
You took me back to calm harmony of mind ~ that can be found.
Lots of amazing insights in the little things of life, sublime Kisses.
‘Sucking your cock is sublime’ WOW! ‘Waking up with you, cum
dripping like honey * and coffee too! YOU ARE A DELIGHT.
Tell your puffy nipples to keep pert and hard like boiled eggs
they need to be sucked and your pussy juices spread like jam;
Tasty and sweet just like you. I want to lick your hot sweat.
We are partners in passion, desire, blow jobs and other jobs.
Thinking of the bliss on the end of your tongue ~ in your mouth,
reflected in your smiling, tender eyes. Your Love is Paradise ~
Your nature is Bliss and you are sharing it all with your Lover.
I’ll enjoy ecstasies when your anticipation drives you too crazy
and you have to hunt me down…In the meantime keep wet and
full of desire for me and full of Cosmic INSPIRATION LOVER.
Your erotic messages…funtastic. Keep your PINK UNIVERSE
bubbling ~ inside your soaking rainforest. I See you as a water
nymph just risen out of the Cosmic foam, I’m cumming to you,
caressing your lemon breasts and we fuck forever, crescendos
under the Shiva moon. You dissolve back into the ocean ~ I fly
to our next assignation ~ your mouth guides me and I FILL IT
Fantastic I feel so fulfilled and happy that you have these deep
feelings for me and for yourself, that I fill your hunger especially
for the nice things. Need the delight full pleasure of your Bindaas.
Where are you sunbeam? Looking forward to seeing you, holding
you, kissing you, being naked with you. I’m waiting for you with
a very happy heart. Take the Super deliciously sweet Express.
“I’ll go anywhere with you for your pony ride”. “Am I the pony?”
You’re my pony, I call you Divine ~ Rain or shine.