Tattoo Projectionist You fell into her eyes ~ Maya Kalisky coming (from Moscow) Maybe she’s got an overactive pussy,...

Tattoo Projectionist You fell into her eyes ~ Maya Kalisky coming (from Moscow) Maybe she’s got an overactive pussy,...
Playing with Tarot Ruled by Uranus & Venus Revolutionary Sparks She’s golden ringed Saturnalia not saturnine. A...
Super Charismatic “We’re on the other side of the lead cataclysmic wheel” “Didn’t see anything I was enjoying, down at...
Gifts to Other People of this Our Planet ~~ For Your Birthday I Sent Lovely Vibrations ~~ ~~~ For Your Health I Sent...
All The Mod Cons! String Theory ~ ‘We met in Space’ You can fall in it anytime ~ in the now. He went for a walk in the...
Poetry in Motion ~ (not everything has a meaning) ‘It’s the message that counts not the messenger, the Message’ ‘Love...
Delicious Lubriclity She is gorgeous from behind ~ luscious in front. Inhaling sweet perfumes, swooning with delight....
Connection - Life is a dance ~ If you left it be We dance close, intuitively & sometimes far apart. Just following...
By the Grace of… Your heart’s not singing. Wearing a Bomb belt ~ primed to go Off! Freedom to make the right choice....
Cognoscenti in an apple orchard never felt a need to be contrite Hen pecked husband who gave up the ghost Contracting...
‘Maison de Jouir’ The King of Dolce Vita with a girl called Gita. Just like Krishna and Radha hand in hand ~ Adam with...
Letting go of the Yin Yang Firing it Up with Full Intent, to be Co Creators. That Frame ~ Sharing It in Crystalline...