by Sunny Jetsun | Jun 24, 2015 | Cosmic Cards, Poetry, Young Women Spin on Their Doorsteps at Dusk
‘Anicca’ Feeling ~ the body with ~ the breath ‘Naturalist’ Sharper >>:<< Free Flow Remain Equanimous Remains of Equanimity Inside Out some don’t know Ripening Happens Your Whole body Sensationalised You’re Complete With Equanimity Impurity Goes ~ Bowing...
by Sunny Jetsun | Jun 23, 2015 | Cosmic Cards, Green Eve * Don't Lose The Light Vortex, Poetry
Processing Presto The Prana will always put you back in your body, For sure you will be different <> “not judging” Is it good or is it bad, trust trust to trust ~ It’s all there anyhow, clear agreement to go further Giving the space to Recognize themselves...
by Sunny Jetsun | Jun 22, 2015 | Cosmic Cards, Poetry, Pure Light ~ Cosmic
Golden Arrows Rediscovered Samples of the Maestro Pasolini Troubadour of the Renaissance, Modernist ‘Il Principe Bene’, Shining in the chromium of Rome. Common sense of Myth and fable, cherished for its creative original, not censer of the Censor’s label. A Yogi of...
by Sunny Jetsun | Jun 22, 2015 | All Love ~ Frequency, Enjoy the Revolution, Heavenly Bodies ~ Celestial Alignments, I've Been to Venus & Back, Peace Goddess, Poetry, Queen of Space
We’ve recently changed all Sunny Jetsun ebooks on to “You set the price!” That means you can download them in all major ebook formats for FREE! Once you download them you can freely share them…send them by e-mail or give...
by Sunny Jetsun | Jun 21, 2015 | Cosmic Cards, Perfect Love ~ No Mind, Poetry
SYNERGY We’re the DNA of everything that exists in the Universe ~ infinite atomic intra connectedness to the planets, plants, the frog, Shark, the tree, microscopic, macroscopic, a grasshopper, bee, to you and to me, to the chemicals, to the matter, to the air to the...