Goa @ Crystal Mantra Inspiration to live it regardless, fearless dauntless, of Bombs, panjandrums, ego centralisms “As...

Goa @ Crystal Mantra Inspiration to live it regardless, fearless dauntless, of Bombs, panjandrums, ego centralisms “As...
We all Know the Truth Only have to remind Ourselves ~ of our Channel energy Is ~ forever expanding Intention, using...
Trust ^ Babaette “let the Relationship grow Relate in the moment ~ Relating Not a Relationship” And it’s Always new...
Blk & White always smiling Living in hope ~ Full colour garlands of Marigolds ~ delicate, golden brocade on your...
‘not just a selfish gene just hard wired to survive’ Gases for 3 ½ billion years from plants, Self Regulating Organism...
‘Ahimsa’ Completely Selfless, boundless, multi dimensional Compassionate, ‘Concept of a friend’ Openness, Oneness....
mICROsOCIETY A ‘Blanket Party’!! Everyone gets a Hit, Informal Codes ‘Life’s all about Peoples’ Lives you wouldn’t...
A Safe test drip His whole family are alcoholics! Never heard anything good said about that! “Old people smoke Pot,...
Babies on Infra Pink Stars beyond Gravities of Mars “There’s someone in my head, but it’s not me” ‘They made us think...
‘Rain is liquid Sunshine’ “Let things flow through us ~ frequencies of woman different to a man in tune with the Moon...
Ring fencing Full Ego Europe, Dada dada dodo Good but not good enough, Identities that never met What you take is your...
Tapping into the Collective Un^Conscious? Working on the Psyche from the Heart Connecting with that source of essence...