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Cosmic Cards Articles

Cosmic Oceanic

Cosmic Oceanic “I became Krishna Consciousness ~ “God created Space wo/men ~ Space wo/men made us!” Krishna's into it all ~ Making the most of every party! “I'm just gonna have it freestyle ~” 'DNR ' ~ Do not resusitate your mum! Doing it, no blocks, resistances,...

In the eyes of a child

In the eyes of a child ‘If it’s Ugly it’s different Not Judge Mental ~ Eat that Soup; Looking for the plot! So out of Focus. Compassion of the 5th chakra’s expression Choosing the environment ~ In Love with a Super Voluptuous seductive (frequency). “I was falling down...

Mr. Mystical

Mr. Mystical I couldn’t help myself; She said, “Come over for a chillum.” Rebirth of the Planet ~ Ascending, all going up together. In your Soul frequency ~ might have a bit of wobble Transmuting, trance ~ juicing the Standing Wave. Your personality is in danger of...

Tantric Body Owner

Tantric Body Owner 'Not a spiritual monk but sharing my energy'~ Reflecting yourself. A dress is important outside, Inside is the truly marvelous You! “Killing is a holy thing getting rid of another f… infidel!” Virgins at the next corner all for you; Blow it up quick!...