Oracle Sponge Chilling out with a nice Iguana ~ Mind means Confusion! “Accepting the mistake, Identification with it;...

Oracle Sponge Chilling out with a nice Iguana ~ Mind means Confusion! “Accepting the mistake, Identification with it;...
‘Love Rocks’ Karma’s been Solved ~ Cosmic we’re always free to Connect With Synchronous Consciousness Snorkeling on...
Potential Energies “In Co operation with Physical laws to ‘Condition’ ~ Natural formation of the embryo in the womb....
The Violet Upanishad Jupiter’s daughter wading naked from marine foam ~ Wow! The cryogenic ‘Venus Anadyomene rising...
Tibetan Plateau is ¼ of China! Himalaya Glaciers ~ 1/6 of World’s Ice (source of water) For now ~ Lake Manoswara ~ to...
Associative Ideas on the Neuro Net Reflections in the mirror of memory ~ Who Am I? Nerve cells rewiring you on a daily...
The Psychedelic School of Illumination ‘Unconventional’ Goa - He said, he crashed his Mind Went beyond the gross,...
The body * Concept of an Identity ‘Tanha’ Will living, grasping of new becoming This moment of the dissolution ~...
Babylonian with distractions from Altea British Medical Journal: There must be 1 million dead now ~ You can’t mime it,...
“I Love You (Mad donna” Chi ~ what thought can do! “I had to adjust to sharing Diva space” Different worlds have their...
“We Do” Climax Have to believe it sweetheart At the beginning of what; Was the ‘Word’? The definitive value of the...
Making a dummy Love Affair Getting more out of the double Dutch trap. Encouraging false belief in yourself again No...