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All Love ~ Frequency Articles

Sunny Jetsun eBook FREE…or YOU set the price

  We're pleased to tell you that you can now download the full eBook of "All Love Frequency ~ In Zero Space" by Sunny Jetsun for FREE...or YOU can set the price if you want to make a purchase supporting the arts...and that Hippy Life. It's available in all the...

‘The Frontiersman’

‘The Frontiersman’ Always at the limit ~ the frontier Word symbol for Frontier of your mind. Frontier ~ At your limit Always on the Point of Discovery. To live is to be ~ In Infinite Discovery Consciousness of the new moment And New Limit The Frontier to the next...

‘A Theme To Be Developed’

 ‘A Theme To Be Developed’ And I would like to say that according to the Mayan Calendar December 21st 2012 marks the end of the Macha and the beginning of Pacha. It is the end of selfishness and the beginning of brother- hood. It is the end of Individualism and the...

Mantra * Tantra * Yantra

 Mantra * Tantra * Yantra Shakti’s the dream of Brahma ~ being All in Oneness..... “Solar photon light hits our DNA and makes y/our Hologram” How do I begin to see it all as an Illusion of duality ~ reality! Gymnast’s luminous Death Mask at a Chinese Chaos Circus....