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Cosmic Cards Articles


SYNERGY We’re the DNA of everything that exists in the Universe ~ infinite atomic intra connectedness to the planets, plants, the frog, Shark, the tree, microscopic, macroscopic, a grasshopper, bee, to you and to me, to the chemicals, to the matter, to the air to the...

Aliens in Sao Paulo the 4th largest city in the World

Aliens in Sao Paulo the 4th largest city in the World “Take me to your dealer” I love it! For a Poster, “A Million Rials ~ Get Kate Moss here quick!” ‘guapa’ You’ll become richer or poorer ~ Can’t compare anything to Acid or Magic mushrooms. Cosmic *...


‘Nepenthe’ South of France Is in ~ my dreams of Penelope’s soeur awaiting ~ seeing of a sail, a dove from Ulysees’ frere. Speeds ~ hearts ~ light deeply in your breast. South of France her bluest seas colours of a favourite reve ~ anticipate your glorious rest....

Today Rolling!

Today Rolling! Big Softy in Lady Land ~ “One day you’re going to die”~ the Biggest Secret! >Consciously! In between we have Fun. Why not? The University of laughter. Getting the blood tests ~ frequency. It’s not a doing it’s a tuning. Letting your Mind go astray....