Burn it at Sea “I use the drugs to entertain myself” Promotion ~ E motion in motion. This way it gives it a Special...

Burn it at Sea “I use the drugs to entertain myself” Promotion ~ E motion in motion. This way it gives it a Special...
Perfect nightmare but I’m not in a mess as before doing it with an open heart ~ What we have in Common You cannot do...
‘The Delight Factor’ Getting more than Expected ~ Her sari never ended! Accepted the futility and Illusion of it All....
Refreshing Sacred Geometry Flat on your back in Front of me, Points to her magic triangle. Frees desire “Please Fuck...
Party Room ‘Rent a Puja’ ~ in a Limousine! PSYCHEDELIC C L A S S I F I E D S ‘When all the birds are singing in the...
dancer Moon Force effecting your blood Waters, emotions ‘Energetic beings Love Goa’ (not stuck in the Ego) his Immune...
Happy Circle put it all together Isolated beach to feel at Peace being in my Space “I need to move out of this...
‘Beach Bum Shankar’ “Why do we do what we do?” “We’re awake with the light” Energy coming from the early morning rays...
“It could be You” is an ‘Archetypal’ Ad Slogan! Different Views >360 secs. Time & angle> Positions Getting a...
Ironic Elementals of a Mandarin “You can’t cheat the Universe” Turning reality on its head, upside down Seeing...
Shakti Boa Opening some door All things ~ led by the spirit Are for the good And those led by the flesh are ~ There’s...
A Man Eating Question Mark Lethal cocktail of bacteria after that jacked up adrenalin trip. Watching ‘Countdown’ She’s...