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Streaming Lemon Topaz Sunbeams Articles

Rites of Spring

Rites of Spring Keeping Junkies addicted to Oil ‘who killed the Electric car?’ Keeping TV Programming supplying you, your fix of Opium. Taking over the Heart Chakra & connecting Universal Spirit Everyone knows it but none acts on it. A little Goodbye, see you next...

Knowing the Contradictions

Knowing the Contradictions Giving the Allowance to others, Planetary vibe. Ascension of the Electromagnetic field of Earth. The Spirit will talk through us ~ Asking the Angels to intervene, guiding through the Cosmic law for alignment. Oneness on all the Levels....

Galactic Tones

Galactic Tones The Synchronic Orchestra of 'Timeship Earth’ (‘4th dimensional Order of Time for this Planet’) In harmony with our Star ~ the evolving Sun. Tuning into the Universal frequency of the Cosmos. Altering your Perceptions acquiring a new consciousness. A...

Intense Voice

Intense Voice I trust in the moment ~ You’re Allowing yourself the Experience I’m the Gift; Take it or leave it; I’m the tool of this happening. You see yourself as in a relation ~ on a different plane Don’t put me in the tumult ~ Turning Point If you combine Mind...