Natural Information Free making decisions ~ because I don’t make them anymore. Regeneration not degeneration ~...

Natural Information Free making decisions ~ because I don’t make them anymore. Regeneration not degeneration ~...
Gharial on the brink The extinction of another species ~ “Hi I’m Mental Mick a reformed alcoholic from Glasgow” ‘This...
‘Slavery of Faith’ (From New Age Magazine 17/11/08) Creating poisons within hemispheres of the Mind ~ ‘Matrix...
Rites of Spring Keeping Junkies addicted to Oil ‘who killed the Electric car?’ Keeping TV Programming supplying you,...
Knowing the Contradictions Giving the Allowance to others, Planetary vibe. Ascension of the Electromagnetic field of...
Galactic Tones The Synchronic Orchestra of 'Timeship Earth’ (‘4th dimensional Order of Time for this Planet’) In...
Intense Voice I trust in the moment ~ You’re Allowing yourself the Experience I’m the Gift; Take it or leave it; I’m...
Climbing Higher Burn the dead vines ~ pruning gives more Space. Karma Program ~ riding moment to moment. 2000 ‘Sage...
Juicy Mirror Man Hobbits in mystical Benders, comes with a crystal ball. Druids are nice people! Who needs a list?....
39 Known Moons Let’s take the ‘Universal Program’ Intuition of a Cosmic dream Your ever changing energy fields ~...
Karma ‘Anatta’ Panorama Self appraisal meditation, insight into nature ~ of Personality deeper than rational deduction...
‘Mount Kailash’ blowing. At the Axis of the World ~ So sacred it’s never climbed. A sky burial contributes to your...