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Poetry Articles


BD. “Lady I couldn’t believe that After All those years you didn’t Know me better than that!” Come see, come far. Evening stars come out With the Sunsets “I’m sure you’ll be famous ~ by the time you’re dead!” King Cobra in a coconut grove swaying by the sea side....

Made by herself

Made by herself She wants to be pushed out of her Super holiness ~ What’s her name? I dunno, can’t remember anymore. To be with you rising at the gorgeous crimson crack of Dawn. Receptivity, sensitivity if you want to be a clear shining crystal. ‘Salt is the structure...

An Amnesiac Lion in a Kashmir Fairy ring

An Amnesiac Lion in a Kashmir Fairy ring Pouring out Fabulous States of Mind entering into you, soft luxuriant paradise entering into your abundant heaven entering into your wondrous dreams forever wise forever in our screams of ecstasy, delight, bliss without...

My darling

My darling Who has yet to sail by felucca down the Nile and to meditate in quiet under the pinkest trees of Mount Fuji. My darling whose perfume will scent the nature of many delicate impressions, your sweetest strength of life ~ is needed to fountain many loves and...