No Wing Diktat “There was no time anymore ~ just me floating along” Why not give them away, sultry Cro ~ Magnon woman...

No Wing Diktat “There was no time anymore ~ just me floating along” Why not give them away, sultry Cro ~ Magnon woman...
Tapping Collective Unconscious Writing a poem Singing a song dancing a dance with Life with Love with you to travel ~...
FORMLESS PASTE They’re going to have a futuristic War for Coconuts’ ~ water. Going into Fire, back to the elements,...
Deathless Karma Deathless Spirit My gift to you ~ Sacred compassion Sacred companion, Sperm of Solar Gaia, Magic germ,...
Guava Goddess A good bhang lassi in Varanasi Smoked so many carrots ~ Looked at the river and cried for 3 days! Last...
“Go to Zanzibar Baba!” Living with my own Inspiration “ ~ She’s from further up North!” An Angry man losing the plot!...
No Expectations, Liberated & Enlightened From the Patterns * grounding us in this ‘Reality’ Of Non ~...
Yankee’s ^ ‘Geronimo’ Swallowed that one, Hook line & Sinker, endemic Corruption! Royalties’ Copyright: ~ “I don’t...
Fusing 5 elements Inner joy not external fields unless you’re transmuting energy. “We’re forever blowing Bubbles” ~...
Loving It Beauty on duty sharing a piece of your heart. You live your lies. “You need to share, remember?” “I know”...
Sharing Inspiration ‘Don’t let it bring you down it’s only castles burning’ Haiku. Always Loved ‘Crazy Horse &...
‘You Are The Kaleidoscopic Sky’ You go through the Matrix ~ of Creation to a new Matrix.. If you can activate Your...