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Global Tribal Astral Eternal

Global Tribal Astral Eternal

‘You Are The Kaleidoscopic Sky’
You go through the Matrix ~ of Creation to a new Matrix..
If you can activate Your brain, you’re a Krishna reflection!
Transcendental tendency of the Plant Queen is to remind you
of how Amazingly Incredibly beautiful You are, we all are!
Connecting with the Higher self to the self ~ of the self.
Intelligence Knowledge ‘In Dream World’ going to the Zone.
Starlight in the Heart ~ of boundless Love Unconditional
Inter dimensional realities screaming cosmic communication
“Found it written on a boomerang at a shiny Light Center.
Put a wave of healing on Earth, Welcome to the lilac crystal.
Galaxies within You living outside time barriers ~
‘Ganesh Cybernetics’ Transplant Elephant head to a human.
New BioChip in the brain, ‘OBEY’ Are you feeling the Pain?
Butterflies in flight, Open Sky everywhere 3 feet above Earth
Your Mind is Sky, thoughts coming & going in deepest Space
beyond any Identity of astral light