Galactic Tones The Synchronic Orchestra of 'Timeship Earth’ (‘4th dimensional Order of Time for this Planet’) In...

Galactic Tones The Synchronic Orchestra of 'Timeship Earth’ (‘4th dimensional Order of Time for this Planet’) In...
Tibetan Plateau is ¼ of China! Himalaya Glaciers ~ 1/6 of World’s Ice (source of water) For now ~ Lake Manoswara ~ to...
Intense Voice I trust in the moment ~ You’re Allowing yourself the Experience I’m the Gift; Take it or leave it; I’m...
Rajanish Master sitting on an Obelisk “She leaves me Utterly empty Out of that nothing is the essence ~ the law of...
Dreamboat Chakra Mastering of Senses, then you’re a Swami. “Don’t chip my spirit, hey I respect Love! I respect my...
Wooed Uncut Manifesting of light ~ She Sparkles now! Kiss the feet of the woman & be happy Mr. Cuddles. There is...
One Cosmic Jelly ‘In us the Awareness is the Formless ~ the attention to that Formless in You. Lost in translation,...
All is well “A Chillum Baba ~ People wanted to sit with him” Flying through the Universe All is as it should be ~...
Nice fragrance ‘There’s no more holding up any more that which doesn’t exist anymore’. Building up a New Network Of...
Crises Incidents Conflict Troubles; Everything but the sink Everyday rip offs, worries, depression of your nerves plus...
Sadhguru Truth In Confusiopoly No Religion ~ No Dogma, no separation, dividing, conquering! Find it the way it works...
Pick from the well ~ of a Funky Diva “The Universe gives me £200 in my hand And a job I loved to do. Sandblasted the...