Gurus are like a Signpost > To SHANTI * SHANTI * SHANTI * “Be still and know that I AM * God” That simple I AM ~...

Gurus are like a Signpost > To SHANTI * SHANTI * SHANTI * “Be still and know that I AM * God” That simple I AM ~...
The Violet Upanishad Jupiter’s daughter wading naked from marine foam ~ Wow! The cryogenic ‘Venus Anadyomene rising...
Goa Work-Out! They have to let go of their emotions ~ allowed to make a Holi mess! Let All Colours Be ~ Breaking the...
Venus & the Star Her walls are (damp, moist) dripping ~ wet! You got to have the point to have the circle. “The...
Its Originality! It is energy ~ coming off the wall through shapes and colours. That’s just the expression of how you...
Luscious Juiciest Juicy Juice Left Cupid's caravan now walking through nature’s scenes dreaming under her watermelon...
Life Is One Spirit came back not broken Mind not broken heart healer ~ reflector, send it back Don’t accept their – ve...
Mind’s * Secret “It’s good to fall in Love” “It’s nice to go to Paradise” “I can’t stop thinking about her” Didn’t...
Wanting to feel your lips and kisses Am I your muse? Loving your poems, love your passion, love your arse, love your...
Inter Galactic Gelati Sitting in a true space loving the Divine ~ invoking pure, refine. Direct actions dissolving the...
Making Natural Connections “I’m not looking for things, girls to complete myself” I AM now I’m not interested going...
Moving On with Eanna Just took me to the border of Delta crossing into Theta ~ Operating in the awareness ~ brain...