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Green Eve * Don’t Lose The Light Vortex Articles

Tapping Collective Unconscious

Tapping Collective Unconscious Writing a poem Singing a song dancing a dance with Life with Love with you to travel ~ forget the past now ~ streams of consciousness A poet’s ~ Elixir living in Tune. ‘Let us make Man in our own image’ Polytheists don’t even need the...

Flowers of Life

Flowers of Life Place the Merkaba Yantra so that the centre is at the level of the third eye (middle of the forehead) Use it as an open eye meditation target. Gaze at the centre of the Yantra without blinking (Tratak). Breathe it into your Mind and allow with the out...

It’s Always changing ~

It’s Always changing ~ Climate change is a blip for Mother Earth but be Aware (BG ch 2.17) ‘Consciousness is spread all over the body’ Conscious of pains & pleasures, of the body/Mind > limits. Don’t know how you feel darling but it was great for me! Only this...

The Interaction of Energies

The Interaction of Energies Krishna ~ ‘the Cause of All Causes’ Ordinary people came to know Why He appeared on Earth and Executed such Wonderful, Amazing acts. Come to know ‘bhakti’ ‘devotion’ Spiritual Consciousness. Relieving a person from all problems, their...