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All Love ~ Frequency Articles

She’s a Metaphor for an Erotic Meteorite!

 She’s a Metaphor for an Erotic Meteorite! No Apsaras here ~ Not being driven to distraction! “Space is Full ~ Starships are waiting to come down!” Concentrate on your own level ~ just getting higher frequency. Taking on the Karma of the woman you’re having...


 TANTRIC TEMPLAR The Kings making all the nicest young women pregnant! They come out in the Spring for better survival. ‘Lets go Surfin ~ Her body’s a dream ~You know it’s not you, it’s coming through you! Breathtaking experiment ~ Celebrating the intimate & sensual....

Source to Source

 Source to Source Crashing waves ~ starting a new feeling ~ soft landing. ‘Having the Opportunity of the Freedom ~ of/from the money’ “You will break my heart” ~ was that the first guilt trip, in disguise? I’ll never want to do that! “Give me an Independent woman any...

Four Tour Corporate Mercenary!

 Four Tour Corporate Mercenary! “We are there to WAGE War Not WIN War!” “When I killed my first person....saw his eyes” More dying in non combat than active combat. Suicides of non Veterans overtaken the Veterans! PTS. ~ profundity like being on an acid trip man! They...