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Boys’ Toys

Boys’ Toys

Boys’ Toys Android * Robot * Real * Ideal * Lover. SHE * Blissed out ~ her Amour fully Open. Smiling, no ego, self-abandonment in Ecstasy! You get the deeper reflections ~ deepest feeling. “I don’t want anymore pain & suffering programs!” Why F…...
An Oyster Broker

An Oyster Broker

An Oyster Broker “Did I ever tell you ‘bout my Heaven and Hell Baby?” Baba you have taken a Big Hit, needs right energy! Blocks denying you any pleasure. Pleading, Please, there’s nothing wrong with Joy & Passion is there? Whether going to the end or finishing...
Serious in Hell

Serious in Hell

Serious in Hell Trapped in an Economic nightmare that we can never comprehend. So what do you do? Just your selfish Ego soaking in an Eco hole! ‘Good things happen to Good people ~’ “They can survive on virtually Fuck All!” ‘Where did the Psy*trance scene go?’ Life is...