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Poetry Articles

Goa Work-Out!

 Goa Work-Out! They have to let go of their emotions ~ allowed to make a Holi mess! Let All Colours Be ~ Breaking the light, no judgment, doesn’t matter. “Do you prefer blue ocean, black sky, aqua marine, red sunbeam?” “If you Concentrate on a Point you can contact...

The much higher vibe of two suns

The much higher vibe of two suns “Dark & light are the same same ~ but different No mass hypnosis or guilt trips, nothing to do but Enjoy. You can choose the experience you want to live Yoga discipline, opposite is the Tantra shortcut” Puja Calling the Spirit in...

Full Lemon Topaz Sky Wave

Full Lemon Topaz Sky Wave There is no time so what is memory? Sitting outside a Temple in the city of…. No Conditioning, no elephants in chains! “Can’t overcome hate by hate only by Love” You have to love your cancer, any Malady. Swimming in the psychedelic Sea of...

Revolution at the barricades

Revolution at the barricades “The purpose of Mindfullness and the four sublime states was to neutralise the power of the ego that limits human potential. Instead of saying “I Want” the Yogin would learn to seek the good of others; Instead of succumbing to the hatred...