Love energy ~ Split Having quiet time with your woman. A girl with an Italian chillum! Her energized crystal dildos,...

Love energy ~ Split Having quiet time with your woman. A girl with an Italian chillum! Her energized crystal dildos,...
Poetry in Motion ~ (not everything has a meaning) ‘It’s the message that counts not the messenger, the Message’ ‘Love...
Will Power ‘The Information Highway ~ in streams of Light’ Only going through desire ~ The right fly for the right...
Pill Box The Grim Reaper’s rat a tat tat, horrible Death & Destruction! Terrorised beyond your Imagination or...
‘Stairway to Goa’ The Bliss Babas ~ Going with the fluff… India’s full of Pickles ~ Sailing to Baga, riding to...
In Complex City Feel like you already have it ~ because it’s already there. We’re not here to resist ~ & those who...
Wooed Uncut Manifesting of light ~ She Sparkles now! Kiss the feet of the woman & be happy Mr. Cuddles. There is...
DYNAMIC ART ~ Exhibition ‘Not A Broken Mind, Not A Broken Heart, Not A Broken Spirit’ ‘Life is Simple ~ Sharing Loving...
Lobster Telephone Absurd ~ effect on your brain The Clarity of distortions. A new palette of sounds ~ Creating an Aria...
Expansion Tank “Alzheimer’s the worst thing I can Imagine ~ Yeah, but you forget ~ you got it” Will it set him free?...
Lobster Telephone Absurd ~ effect on your brain The Clarity of distortions. A new palette of sounds ~ Creating an Aria...
Viscosity “Buddha didn’t want any Buddhism” ~ Why not liberate us all? Energetics breaking the old karma & making...