IMPLANTED “Tell them in the kitchen to make less of a racket!” The Rich don’t Need this Work embedded Program. Out of...

IMPLANTED “Tell them in the kitchen to make less of a racket!” The Rich don’t Need this Work embedded Program. Out of...
Whose Soul’s craving attention? Rainbow warrior, Sun worshipper, Freedom fighter at a Ceilidh. My Sari of Dreams she...
One Cosmic Jelly ‘In us the Awareness is the Formless ~ the attention to that Formless in You. Lost in translation,...
Tibetan Silver Birds You would be charged with GBH in GB! Hugging a Police wo/man, that’s a good one. Your biggest...
Like a Black Magic Place Massive Psychological Warfare On Us! Playing into somebody’s Sociopathic hands. At least,...
“What Shall I Say to a Mirage?” She did Tai Chi ~ flowing all night Follow your feeling ~ be ultimately. Accept other...
Learning from our Discernment to it “When did you realize that you fell out of loving me?” “Why do we have such a bad...
Ego & Conditioning ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ & all else. Birth and death ~ two sides to the same coin....
‘Silicon Valleys’ “When you give slaves freedom ~ they don’t know what to do with it!” “Here’s your Palace back & the...
Touchdown “Go crazy but respect other people’s space”....Oh! Mum & dad; “He’s fuckin another woman in front of me on...
Red Velvet Flares Being in Paradise Owning it ~ having Awareness, knowing, the Senses ~ chewing it! “Sat with a...
The Russian Connection Being in contact ~ “the bhajis are good in Chapora” Chocolate Peyote tasting was strong at...