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Shiva Moon Light

Shiva Moon Light

Whose Soul’s craving attention?
Rainbow warrior, Sun worshipper, Freedom fighter at a Ceilidh.
My Sari of Dreams she weaved it from silk with Shiva moon man
Seductive Wild women, Ninja boots, big bag of psychedelic crystals!
Surrendering has nothing to do with giving up ~ it’s Spiritual.
Trust to Trust going with free flow ~ guided by the inspiration.
Potency tuning its frequency, feeling it through natural Touch.
“I was Centred” in my sub conscious’ vital stream of life force.
It happened that way, doesn’t matter what you think you want.
Keep aware of equanimity, dhamma, whatever is, it’s all Good.
Light workers raising vibrations of the Planet ~ unfolding lotus
from inside ~ Integration, go within or go without ~ All is Love