'STOP THE THOUGHTS & YOU STOP THE EMOTIONS' By stopping the story going on in their head; “Oh I'm Fucked!” DMT....

'STOP THE THOUGHTS & YOU STOP THE EMOTIONS' By stopping the story going on in their head; “Oh I'm Fucked!” DMT....
Gurus are like a Signpost > To SHANTI * SHANTI * SHANTI * “Be still and know that I AM * God” That simple I AM ~...
The Violet Upanishad Jupiter’s daughter wading naked from marine foam ~ Wow! The cryogenic ‘Venus Anadyomene rising...
‘Feral Attack’ There’s nothing more cowardly than blowing up a whole village with invisible, unmanned deadly Drones...
’Mother Gota Kola, Ka Maga’. “It’s a blessing to leave the body” Let the Universe take over reality. Giving &...
A Juicy Fig ‘The Treasure of a child’ ~ dissolving feeling Mind physical body. No mind ~ going with the sensation...
J O B. To watch, observe your Consciousness. Stop thinking about it ~ try Visualisation. We are the Diviners building...
Monsieur Spacecake King of No where ~ You hurt my tribe. Burnt all the best 100% guarantees. Shooting your very own...
‘Cupere’ Sunbed Party Yoga, Fruit Salad Yoga, Trance Yoga, Tantra Love Yoga Work Yoga, Decorating Yoga, Pain Yoga, Hot...
‘Alone but not lonely’ Goa Full Distraction after distraction after distraction after ~ “never the last joint, don’t...
‘Mermaid Beach’ He’s Charged! “It’s always good Acid when they give their money away!” All holding and drumming ~...
Meteorite Motel’s Lunar Crater Step through the Gate ~ Take it on And ‘Own It’ Indoctrination from another teacher of...