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Psychic Psychedelic Articles

The body * Concept of an Identity

The body * Concept of an Identity ‘Tanha’ Will living, grasping of new becoming This moment of the dissolution ~ Constant change ~ this momentary death. Dad decided to make a change ~ free his light A new becoming ~ of Consciousness There is no sunrise no sunset, no...

Babylonian with distractions from Altea

Babylonian with distractions from Altea British Medical Journal: There must be 1 million dead now ~ You can’t mime it, can you? There’s no Inside outside, all one Flowing fields of Atoms ~ and in those falling cluster Bombs! Abandon All Religions & prostitutions...

“I Love You (Mad donna”

“I Love You (Mad donna” Chi ~ what thought can do! “I had to adjust to sharing Diva space” Different worlds have their own language Common sense tells you about the World ~ I’m rippling on a microscopic level of Unity Invisible connections of entanglement/with You...

“We Do” Climax

“We Do” Climax Have to believe it sweetheart At the beginning of what; Was the ‘Word’? The definitive value of the human/your ‘id’ What is the value of an Apple, given to you, by Innocent Eve? ‘The Big Bang’ when the apple hit the ground of Genesis ~ ‘Forgiveness’ in...