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Poetry Articles

‘Slave looking in the Mirror’

‘Slave looking in the Mirror’ ‘War is Over If You Want It’ ‘END WAR END WORLD POVERTY’ “Join us and the World will Live as One” Rebellious Peaceniks ~ being Creative with the Inquisition! ‘The Administration scares people into fighting Wars’ “Went to preserve a...


Directly If you go with time ~ Picture coming “The thoughts go faster than light” Slowing it down And You Manifest over your strong Mind Doesn’t matter how you say it ~ You have to LIVE It To get the ‘Reality’ of it To Trust to Trust, for the deeper courage For The...

Japanese for Lotus

Japanese for Lotus It flowers and seeds at the same time ~ causing & effecting. Instant generation ~ Procreation, “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo” ‘Shit Happens ~ then More Shit Happens’ “I don’t mind paying for the water if the women are Free!” I like the Unity ~ Lovely and...

‘The Source of the signal?’

‘The Source of the signal?’ ‘Seemed to becoming from everywhere ~ deep Cosmic space. Never dreamed existed, echoes of the origin of the Universe’ Single Mindedness, single madness, Cosmic inspiration’s tune. “Here men from Planet Earth first set foot on the Moon ~...