The body * Concept of an Identity ‘Tanha’ Will living, grasping of new becoming This moment of the dissolution ~...

The body * Concept of an Identity ‘Tanha’ Will living, grasping of new becoming This moment of the dissolution ~...
Shiva Hologram Material You is not You ~ just a part of 'Zero Point' You. “I am Pure Consciousness” ~ language of the...
“Come Tomorrow” Loose Change Shooting from the terrace Remote Controller into the Towers! Unbelievable, Possible? $50...
* “FRIJOLES 0 FUSILES POLICY” * 1978-1983, At least ~ 12,000 Unarmed Civilians have DIED... BY VIOLENCE In Guatemala....
‘daughter’ Viking ship ~ Seeking ~ a new passage Standing alone on the bow Stars ~ of my village **** Softly treads...
Unique Now ~ by a palm tree grove ~ Your father was a Fisherman. Your Father was a Pearl diver. He would sit for your...
“Your Mother Was a Painter” Ghee in my heart Ghee in my brain Ghee in my toes Ghee in my fingers Ghee in my knees...
Toi ~ Gallia You Are the smell of a damp forest You Are the taste of the azure sea ~ You Are the touch of a Mercy full...
Star I feel as alone as one can feel. Milarepa…‘The Widow’s mite’. ‘Pronoia’ ~ The sneaking suspicion that Someone ~...
Listen: 5000 ethereal children singing to us Bright and early, 8.I5, Summer holiday time, August 6th saw a pink ball...
U ...Just a part of it ~ going around (danger) praying for an answer, Becoming ~ Time ~ by you ~ river ~ exhausted ~ A...
Goldfinch Hanging from my Parachute. Inside a great Banyan tree my camouflage suit ~ hides my sight ~ from a python of...