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In the Light of that Awareness

In the Light of that Awareness

Listen: 5000 ethereal children singing to us
Bright and early, 8.I5, Summer holiday time, August 6th saw a
pink ball falling thru the sky, then black, black whipping rain.
A moment, spontaneous, fantastic multi ~ coloured clouds;
Bright and early came the host of Death to live in the bodies
of 90,000 in sinner rated survivors, came the Enola Gay with
a genocidal mushroom of deadly destruction. A deadly gift to
all your children, free from US to your soul. Radiation, gamma
rays, diseases to explode you into a heap of melted hearts ~
charred bones of a beautiful girl and wheelbarrows of shadows
Your mother melted into stone. A great collection for your
prayers of peace, peace! 18 hundred feet, 10 thousand miles
from home, “bombs away!” All life turned to ash, flower ash,
grandfather ash, tree ash, eye ash, skin ash, sister ash, brother
ash, mother ash, dad ash. So many years of your hell standing
in the ruins; B29 turns. A Flying fortress swings to its home ~
Sayonara. Full of surprises! Did you know there were 20,000
women pregnant with tomorrow? Did you know about the
children who fold paper cranes now and float paper lanterns
in the Toronagashi festival to hold a little longer their spirits?
It all happened too quickly ~ you were gone, evaporated!
I never had a moment to say goodbye to you my child.