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Bacchus’ Vice Squad

Bacchus’ Vice Squad

 Bacchus’ Vice Squad Looking at life in a sumptuous, new visionary, miraculous way. Only had an ordinary construction of the Mind ~ Now inspiration! Add some surreal imagination, dreaming of angels and geishas. Perfumed genitalia* her love seed ~ blossoming...
Imbued with Love

Imbued with Love

 Imbued with Love “Understand how Cruel people are by nature!” Stony faced. All got a cross in their gardens but they’ll all piss in front of it. Conversion >“There’s only One coming down and it’s Love!” ‘A gang rape in Delhi on a moving bus in broad daylight’ The...
Seeing through clouds

Seeing through clouds

 Seeing through clouds “This World seems to be run by unscrupulous criminal gangs!” ‘Fear’ the Idea that we are separate ~ ‘Dividing & Conquering’ Head adjusting your perceptions of reality ~ Can you see Infra- Red spectrum, gamma rays, touch wifi feel Invisible O...
Padma’s Fragrances

Padma’s Fragrances

  Padma’s Fragrances My light soul received you as a tsunami of delicious Tantric Bliss. I’ll see your Love reflecting in the skies ~ in your eyes above me. Very soon I’ll be waiting in Euphoria as a lustful Satyr for the Passion train to arrive bringing you into...