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How about your Human Instincts?

How about your Human Instincts?

Where is our Saviour?
No military importance blown to smithereens, collateral damage!
Just another brutal horrendous massacre see it everyday on TV.
How about Y/our human instincts? Who is realising these facts?
Living with No Hope and Full of Fear, believing it, is killing us!
Another visionary trip or delusionary propaganda of the Chaos.
No salvation for those arrived, another unromantic Slave Ship!
She exists on the edge of Hades, full out of Control, Unfree spirits.
Escaped its bedlam for nights out at the Coliseum crack cat house!
Death of a young Satyr ~ his emotions spread all over the ground.
No time to frolic, just been given a golden light cellular healing.
Erotic investigation of thoughts ~ Enhancing poetic imagination.
Mellow Drama * Mellow Prana