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Your Lover & Protector

Your Lover & Protector

Love Necklace of The Dragon People
New Year
Losar gift of ‘White Snow’ Spirit
& Individuals selling at powwows ~
Namche Bazaar thankas {106 holy volumes}
Journey of return
eating barley of the turquoise gompa
following the mani to Mount Amadablam
Yak Caravan rest
The Princess from Drukyul Invites you to share Metta ~
family ~ dreams of my wife in Sacred Chuba.
We left a volume with the yellow hats at Thimpu.
Soon to be with You ~ a Lhasa Rendezvous
Safe passage from the Solokhumbo
past the phare at Bodnath
gave our gratitude up in a chant.
Such a long quest ~ away from you.
Your gift kept the warm Life in me
a Khata from a Boddhisattva.
Journey of return,
Oracles & astrologers attending
bringing back the Thunderbolts & bells
to our family Life around the hearth,
in high meadows of rhododendrons.
Pilgrimage to Jomolangmo precious protector ~
for my departure an Intimate Mandala made
singing minstrels pass the message
to the Goddess Tseringma’s abode.
drinking po cha ~
Our Love ~ grazing
Over roof of World to ‘Forbidden country’
Palace of Snow as I draw pictures &
pass clockwise ~ Vibrations of the chorten
tonight performing ~ Meditation
balancing Forces
making my journey through the bardo
dreams of Us in a dzong
I come to you on the good Spirit
Khawa Karpo dances as the Sunbursts