Knowing the Contradictions
Giving the Allowance to others, Planetary vibe.
Ascension of the Electromagnetic field of Earth.
The Spirit will talk through us ~
Asking the Angels to intervene, guiding
through the Cosmic law for alignment.
Oneness on all the Levels.
“Young Afghans should have a peaceful future!”
Multi dimensional being present.
This Time Form
‘Yoga is discipline ~ Tantric is Integration’
Given the Crystals to spread out
Helping the process unfold ~
The Lineage of blue
The Knowingness ~ transmutation
Wisdom in the Heart
Computerised Red Crystals
Allowing ~ Your own judging Self (No God but Cosmic)
Universal alliance & alignment, orientation in the Recognition of It
You Are It ~ falling into it ~ being IT.
Reconnection, Imprint ~ how life manifests itself.
Seeds of life, waves of light ~ Reflections of Yourself ~
You Are Flower Patterns of life ~ unfolding Cosmic Creation
‘Growing Value’
The fracturing of Consumer Confidence.
Remembering ~ ‘The Memory’ ~ reconnecting holistic.
A seed growing into a Tree, flowers giving fruit ~
Language to Bridge the Mind.
We are One coming from One
‘Psycho geometry’ ~ blossoming in fields of rotating energies