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Your Heritage * What do you want to fill your mind with?

Your Heritage * What do you want to fill your mind with?

left us fields ~
with barb wire fences!
~ my friends
Enjoy the sunshine
In a valley, green with
lotus like flowers, birds,
waterfalls lush plants,
A blue sky
full of lovely butterflies.
left us fields ~
with nuclear power sites!
My friends & children
Enjoy the waves ~
lapping on pebbled beaches.
Peacefulness of a giant canyon ~
the warm blue waters
tranquil oasis
left us fields ~
full of carcasses of poisoned industry
~ my friends & family
Enjoy a quiet place ~
full of stars so bright
good music and Experiences
Cool, tuned in travellers
sailing in for celebrating
these jewels of Earth’s
beauty ~
“How can you buy or sell the Sky?”