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I'm having a burnout * Proactive * Mastery of the Mind

I’m having a burnout * Proactive * Mastery of the Mind

Ghetto outside the Spice Islands.
“Dude who needs Coke whores when we’ve got cockroaches?
‘as rare as rocking horse shit being compatible with a woman’
Get Real perspective, children are dying, people are starving.
Some men are being brutal Killers, Riders for the Apocalypse.
Remembering haunting spirits on the streets of Buenos Aires.
“Mercury’s Proactive Foxy spirit guide using all the elements
bringing them over your Alchemical state; In Space ~ frequency
A light, sound Channeling Your Free Will to do what you want
(Which Government Info? Smoke dope Dementia Guaranteed)
Your Options give the Truth ~ Will You take it or not?
“Our own responsibility to Open and Receive it”
Free shifting in the net