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Patchouli Showers Articles

Putting her in my Merkaba

Putting her in my Merkaba Dazzling angels from Eire in a gypsy caravan pulled by a mule I’m making space for this picture to fall into Materialization ~ Less dense flow painted her then loved her totally unreservedly Projecting my Royal blue beams of light ~...

Patent Attachment

Patent Attachment A Psycho culture vulture in a Military Uniform. Inner Marriage ~ Protecting Your Copyright Reading it into your sub conscious No confusion or anxiety, let it be ~ What’s living in you? Misogynist? My body and Mind is my Temple. Worshipping Life force...

Full Lemon Topaz Sky Wave

Full Lemon Topaz Sky Wave There is no time so what is memory? Sitting outside a Temple in the city of…. No Conditioning, no elephants in chains! “Can’t overcome hate by hate only by Love” You have to love your cancer, any Malady. Swimming in the psychedelic Sea of...

Pagan Child

Pagan Child ‘The Mind Creates the Universe with a thought’ Aspiration Inspiration, battles of Power & Respect. Life in itself is Perfect, Suffering is a concept ~ Crucified on a Cross for all to see, to fear being Free! Honoring they serve your Spirit ~ not...