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It’s Just a Story Articles

Wooed Uncut

Wooed Uncut Manifesting of light ~ She Sparkles now! Kiss the feet of the woman & be happy Mr. Cuddles. There is nothing external, experience every kind of stage. “Gold is helping you feel connected to the Sun, for Self esteem. Silver is Integration” Layers of...

DYNAMIC ART ~ Exhibition

DYNAMIC ART ~ Exhibition ‘Not A Broken Mind, Not A Broken Heart, Not A Broken Spirit’ ‘Life is Simple ~ Sharing Loving Kindness ~ From the Heart’ Paintings: Happiness, Lands of the Mind, Butterfly Wings, Right Time Right Place, Good Morning La Vie, Rayon de Soleil,...

Lobster Telephone

Lobster Telephone Absurd ~ effect on your brain The Clarity of distortions. A new palette of sounds ~ Creating an Aria for a Soprano. Madame Butterfly ~ who’s bought himself a child bride!? Driven by Infatuation and desire! Shall we call it Greed? Whilst another human...

Expansion Tank

Expansion Tank “Alzheimer’s the worst thing I can Imagine ~ Yeah, but you forget ~ you got it” Will it set him free? Not Puritanism, extremism…. Carrying his head around with him under his arm. “My bike’s completely Illegal” so is my 12 year old bride! “It’s all that...

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