by Sunny Jetsun | Sep 30, 2014 | Cosmic Cards, It's Just a Story, Poetry
Party Room ‘Rent a Puja’ ~ in a Limousine! PSYCHEDELIC C L A S S I F I E D S ‘When all the birds are singing in the sky’. ‘Love Is In The Air’ ‘Love Is Everywhere’ ‘Love Is All Around’
by Sunny Jetsun | Sep 29, 2014 | Cosmic Cards, Driving My Scooter Through The Asteroid Field, Poetry
dancer Moon Force effecting your blood Waters, emotions ‘Energetic beings Love Goa’ (not stuck in the Ego) his Immune system is So high, Channeling, absorbing Full Power ~
by Sunny Jetsun | Sep 28, 2014 | Cosmic Cards, Driving My Scooter Through The Asteroid Field, Poetry
Happy Circle put it all together Isolated beach to feel at Peace being in my Space “I need to move out of this Studio!” & go with the flow ~ Linked to the Modern ~ day ~ tribal hippie cosmic Yin*Yanging I Choose to be in the positive Embrace all (the God bits)...
by Sunny Jetsun | Sep 27, 2014 | All Love ~ Frequency, Cosmic Cards, Poetry
‘Beach Bum Shankar’ “Why do we do what we do?” “We’re awake with the light” Energy coming from the early morning rays ~ ‘He turned out as Einstein and couldn’t get a Job!’ “We have been proper, fully BRAINWASHED ~ Can’t comprehend, imagine anything different! Powers...
by Sunny Jetsun | Sep 26, 2014 | Cosmic Cards, Light Love ~ Angels from Heaven, Poetry
“It could be You” is an ‘Archetypal’ Ad Slogan! Different Views >360 secs. Time & angle> Positions Getting a glimpse, “You agree to Live in the Hive- take what the Hive dishes out; feel Intuitive knowledge! “All Boxed up and Ready to go” Very clever trick!...