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Magical here & now consciousnes Love transcending all duality

Magical here & now consciousnes Love transcending all duality

Subconscious knows everything about you here and now ~
Omniscient, instantaneous time ~ space, ‘It needs Expression!
FBI Alienating Youth, haunting us, finding his weakness tactic.
‘You can change your head, taking the next step ~ into space’
while they’re monitoring the activities of the Subversive Target!
“I suppose I like it easy”~“Me too forget the Speed Kitchens!”
What do they want?“Letting me know they were coming for me”
Frightening moment, gotta have Mojo or Terminating your visa!
Show Trial, an Undesirable Alien, condemning him for his lyrics.
“We loved him for who he was”~ Everything is as it should be.
New Utopian, can you afford a good lawyer? Then you’re OK