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Inside Qolomango

Inside Qolomango

Tibetan Plateau is ¼ of China!
Himalaya Glaciers ~ 1/6 of World’s Ice (source of water)
For now ~ Lake Manoswara ~ to six Major river systems!
Highest fresh water lake in the World ~ to 2 billion people!
Has its own Inland sea ~ ‘Qinghai lake’
The Magical Properties of Land.
Shamanic ~ belief, communication with Spirits.
Mantra reverberations throughout the Universe
Through 5 elements; Earth, Air Fire, Water, Iron.
Magical landscapes, natural forces, being here ~
30 million years of tectonic plates moving
Inside ‘Qolomango’ ‘Mother of the World’
Tibetan Horns sounding in the valleys ~
A Spiritual engine deep in the Monastery.
Escaping from the Suffering Cycle ~
‘Activities benefitting all beings Model’
Giving the ‘Spiritual Consciousness’
Needed to go through the Ignorance ~.
Tuning into the Intuitional cellular
Lamas have no fears of tears