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 ‘Sinister Wallpaper’
Let’s try Happy a dimension within chaotic dualities; Not Gruesome.
Who’s threatening You? Keeping Troops Happy on Fuhrer Strasse!
Official Approval, dictating who goes up and who goes into the pit!
Play the Romantic Symphony mate! Let’s escape to fantasy don’t
need any more immeasurable destruction from your Black Holes!
Art therapy for a traumatized Nation; You allowed this to happen,
No one’s going to let you Forget ~ what no one wants to remember!
Need an army of Bricklayers to build that Berlin WALL of Separation
Physical manifestation ~ Disfigured her face with a Blow Torch!
‘What’s the nature of Art coming out of the ruins of A World War?’
It is the worst Crime Against Humanity and how do we react to it?
Began the systematic surveillance of the Planet, made up Paranoia!
No Place to Hide ~Taking No Prisoners, Puts them all to the Sword!
“This Must Not Happen Again ~ Another Heritage of Terror”
!!!!!!!!!!!!Emitting Radioactivity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!