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A Sublime Coup de Grace In our Telepathic dreaming and screaming

A Sublime Coup de Grace In our Telepathic dreaming and screaming

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Complete Prasad Cosmic food ~ ‘no Prana no Life’
going with the flow of all the people, are my family
in the same mouthful ~ in the same breath
Incomprehensible > “God please spare me
get me out of this suffering – in desperation.
An Om in us > potent being
The space is open now through the Process
Going through the material ~ use a Truth Platform
Telepathic waves of a synchronicity symphony
Putting it into the right frequency have to change
can’t live in that old state with absolutely no sympathy.
Wavelengths cooking your brain ~ Know it, better
navigation than migratory birds, with Phd’s in weather.
‘Accessory not necessity’. The Struggle > for survival.
Conceived ~ Sensations which give the Insight to carry On.
It gives the Mindfulness that this suffering will arrive
one day or another for most of us ~ how to embrace you?
‘The Best bubble Protection’ in the Universe ~ ‘Panna’ ~
‘the Brahma Vihara’ Your Qualities of Loving Kindness,
Compassion, Sympathetic Joy & Equanimity ~ Liberation.
How to deal with an unbelievable accident, divorce, lies,
miscarriage, loss, invasion, violent death; take your pick