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Realisation ~ We start to watch it and can be brainwashed, like a dream.

Realisation ~ We start to watch it and can be brainwashed, like a dream.

Oxygen * Nectar
“Look at your Self not at your pants”
“Suck it in!” ~ Catch your natural rhythm.
When you are connected the food is there.
“Felt no more place for input ~
Growing your child like a God, rest are slaves.
Chaos and we make the Mandala around it!
Who isn’t Brainwashed? Free from choices ~
otherwise you’re playing the game ~ of duality.
Happiness is just a Concept in the Commercials.
What’s the Potentiality of a brain got to do with it?
If it’s in there it can be Manifested ~ growing in theta’s waves.
Why follow some shepherd, it’s not You, it’s not Original intent.
Catching your own dragon.