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Liberte ~ Egalite ~ Fraternite

Liberte ~ Egalite ~ Fraternite

‘Made with Love’
‘Life’ ‘Alive’ ~ Accepting No substitute
Or Addiction from not being in touch ~
With the essential Aliveness (that you are)
Try concentrating on your (Prana) breath
Not on being Unfulfilled, just being me ~
Why do you think, believe you need more?
Why is that woman wearing a hood like a falcon?
Why are those vultures living in Golden Palaces?
Why are All those babies dying of malnutrition?
What happened to the Garden of Eden for Mankind?
Put a petrol station on it and a guillotine on the hill!
Developed Universal Poverty created Private Property.
Who’s talking about saving the Earth after gang raping her
in the ghetto and terrifying her sister by cutting off her clitoris.
His dream enslaving her or wanting her to be a beauty Queen.
Where is the truth, the realization, humanite, egalite, liberte
“What’s bloody Ignorance gotta do with it?”