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Not the perfect party and we're not the perfect people but we're called a perfect mission to manifest LOVE

Not the perfect party and we’re not the perfect people but we’re called a perfect mission to manifest LOVE

Copulating Adults
Horror, violence, abuse is more pornographic than consensual sex.
Conditioning people to believe they are Not naturally beautiful
but guilty, sinful, ashamed. Negative, not their full potential to be
who they truly are but slaves to a UnHoly Inquisition over them!
Propaganda warfare, ‘divide & conquer’, keep them weak & poor
so they never complain, doing what they’re told by those who see
themselves as Superior. It’s unacceptable in this global society.
The most horrendous actions are inflicted in their name of God.
And these Monsters go Unpunished for crimes against humanity!
It’s not the perfect party and we’re not the perfect people
but we’re called to a perfect mission ~ to manifest LOVE”