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Streaming Lemon Topaz Sunbeams Articles

Spiritual Orgasm

Spiritual Orgasm Out of body experiences ~ the divine enjoying out in the stars. Daughter who’s teaching you to ‘go with the flow’ ~ be happy in this frenetic world ‘today’? ~ It has a Resonance with Life. That’s The groove that we lost from the 60’s, ‘Flower Power’...

‘The Source of the signal?’

‘The Source of the signal?’ ‘Seemed to becoming from everywhere ~ deep Cosmic space. Never dreamed existed, echoes of the origin of the Universe’ Single Mindedness, single madness, Cosmic inspiration’s tune. “Here men from Planet Earth first set foot on the Moon ~...

Yes or No Amanita

Yes or No Amanita Santa the original Shaman tripping through the Igloo’s roof bringing Gifts of a wise healer, knowledge of other Worlds ~ Taking a fly agaric piss came round took a load of mushrooms. Channeling the light with Mother Sabena Mazoteca of Oaxaca. Getting...

‘Ignorance is bliss’

‘Ignorance is bliss’ “I wish I was that Stupid!” Why Not ~ So What? Outrider What happened to Your Imagination? “Got to stay in to win it”? ** ‘Whatever Star you fell off they’ve come to get you back’ Thinking a lot locked in the Cage. Your lost Options in Life ~...

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