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Patchouli Showers Articles

A different Platform

A different Platform Shiva is formless Spirit ~ God is Shiva The beginning of everything You and God are not different. You Whisper it ~ you go in and out. There is no sound, the 10 Malas resonating ~ Shakti mother nature energy ~ screaming in Ecstasy! She’s...

As It Is

As It Is ‘Aborigines singing the World into being’ ‘On our deepest level we share our dreams’ I’ve done my Rain thing ~ It’s as good as it gets ‘I live my Jupiter, in surreal domestic bliss’ I make my own shit happen, trained as horses to obey! Why wouldn’t you want...

Healing the Feeling

Healing the Feeling Upside down on the Cosmic ceiling ~ In the Zero Point field, E = mc2 reeling Gliding across her nude cheeks ~ flirting with pure potential Omnipresent quantum particles ~ Which Level of Reality?

‘The Delight Factor’

‘The Delight Factor’ Getting more than Expected ~ Her sari never ended! Accepted the futility and Illusion of it All. No one in the Cosmos is your Soul Mate She completely surrendered to Krishna ~ Came from Love ~ that was her Protection.