“What’s She On?” Dancin’ on the beach at night “He’s getting it from up there ~” “I’m always horny on Class A’s” To be...

“What’s She On?” Dancin’ on the beach at night “He’s getting it from up there ~” “I’m always horny on Class A’s” To be...
Blitzed by Bliss Love is extreme imagination, feeling emotional energy. Updating the Psychic net, Access to Mind...
A different Platform Shiva is formless Spirit ~ God is Shiva The beginning of everything You and God are not...
Real Feelings Living things Emitting radiation ~ excited your play station. Communication on quantum levels of higher...
FEAR ~ ‘FALsE eMOTionS ApPeaR rEAl’ The Authorities have produced a Chip to help you die! They will now kill...
The Ultimate Peace Laying down your sword invisible weapon of your heart. In the Ego garden of Forgiveness Smiling on...
My little appetite Emotion and vibration ~ “& I can play the whole violin” “We are your angels today!” ‘The way to...
Free Diving on the other side of the frequency galaxy ~ To Unlearn The ‘Doing process’ ~ not the ‘Letting go process’...
‘The Brightest light casts the deepest shadow’ Hidden Treasure, ‘The Greatest Pleasure is to Give Pleasure’ That Magic...
‘Kahlara’ A lotus known as the white lily, also the white Egyptian lotus. Forgiving My Self ~ from the heart. “I wanna...
Light Is the Sun Turquoise colour ~ Interconnectedness of All beings on Earth. Golden knowing in the knowledge of...