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Patchouli Showers Articles

Pink Petals’ Rhythm

Pink Petals’ Rhythm What’s dementia got to do with streams of consciousness? Facing Yama eye to eye, losing yourself to what? Unconditional love ~ being unbelievably happy Isn’t that worth a try in this cynical Kali Yuga Your pulse is beating each precious moment ~...

‘Made with Love’

‘Made with Love’ ‘Life’ ‘Alive’ ~ Accepting No substitute Or Addiction from not being in touch ~ With the essential Aliveness (that you are) Try concentrating on your (Prana) breath Not on being Unfulfilled, just being me ~ Why do you think, believe you need more? Why...

“What’s She On?”

“What’s She On?” Dancin’ on the beach at night “He’s getting it from up there ~” “I’m always horny on Class A’s” To be a Surreal Person ~ “It’s a blurrrrrrrrrr They can do whatever they want whenever they want….. Eating lush Lotus petals ~ Fully wasted! “I can’t tell...

Blitzed by Bliss

Blitzed by Bliss Love is extreme imagination, feeling emotional energy. Updating the Psychic net, Access to Mind Blowing. Spiritual egoist marching, trying to Save the World! Rocket’s red glare glowing on a lovely altruistic, ballerina. Zipping up the Energy suit...