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He used to believe in the Universe ~ I was the happiest guy in the Queue!

He used to believe in the Universe ~ I was the happiest guy in the Queue!

Blue Onyx Nerve & Spacey Obelisk!
Sense of abstract light energy and shining aluminium aspiration.
Wireless girl holding hands with Major Yuri, staring at the stars.
Dreaming of escaping this punishing system and being free to fly.
Show us some Utopia not coexistence with other dismal termites.
KGB; not a Cosmonaut standing on the steps of your tenement!
Who’s arguing over pots and pans in front of the Secret Police?
Full of grey people at the window making you paranoid and fearful.
Let’s have a radical change! Free art & surreal poetry revolution!
The happiest moment of my life ~ time was changing. Freedom
coming, the seeming impossible happened, Old Order dissolved.
“Have you had enough yet?”