Artistic Masterpiece of Non Propaganda Swirls
The Artist as The Hero of Romantic Landscape,
expert in handling light, at different times of day
Pictures, perspectives with a Sense of Feeling
Sublime Forces of Nature, felt and Experienced not ‘literal truth’
but discovery of the Vortex abstract timeless atmosphere
of the cosmic ~ Sensations,
magnetic rays, colours, being ~ tune
Standing with a Sense of Wonder * at the Moon
Movements not defined, being a medium
between the Spiritual, nature and Man
Liberation from convention, absence of classical
Isn’t this a grand concept of freedom ~ Liberte
Fraternity, Equality, Opening up to the Atomic!
What’s more Lovely to see than a natural picnic,
Could provide the revelation for a Revolution?
Giving the Sense of the Lovely moment,
As it is ~ happening here and now,
Being Inside ~ Outside,
the changing, ~ the cosmic magic rays of life
Impressions of Reality destroying the ‘Illusion’
As breaths of fresh air,
embracing a lost lover
Qualities of the lit omniscient Vibrations ~