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Tree of Life

Tree of Life

A Sacred Pyramid
Billy Graham Where’s the Spirit ~
Exploding into another dimension!?
Showed me the book ‘Practical Demon Keeping’
Are they on a New vine?
Mystical foundation can’t put it into words.
“I went AWOL, took me off my ship
Sent me to Live on a submarine in Hawaii!”
Who would really want to hurt anyone?
A common slave, give me 1.5 lakh
And I’ll put him on the Police Force!
Release it, Stop the Mind’s # Unconscious movements.
You have to tell > The Mind to ‘Shut the fuck Up’
Expand your Pure Mind ~ listening to Music
Observer not an Experiencer <> being the Allowance.
‘Tree of Knowledge’
Judgmental, which is death, good or evil?
‘Tree of Life’
Not in parameters ~ freestyle, no separation
“Yoga is discipline, Tantra is Integration”
Everywhere the present is the presence