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Crown Gesture

Crown Gesture

Crown Gesture ‘One Jewel on the right wavelength ~ Nile Green eyes ~ You are the Ocean molecules dancing by the Milky Way. ‘Everyone is their own Satguru ~ ‘It’s only what you give yourself’ In the Intuition directing the mind. Waking up with Sunlight on her lips....


FREE & EASY Gone on a trip to his psychedelic Mecca of LSD. Psyche’s Limitless, boundless, eternal, affinity. ‘Spiritual Awakenings’ ‘Within you without you’ “The process of learning has not to be learned” Perspective ~ maintaining your own Integrity. “One’s own...
‘A bit of a Tart really!’

‘A bit of a Tart really!’

‘A bit of a Tart really!’ Hard and fast rules can be bent on Poppers! Am I coming or going ~ serious and fierce. Met a space gypsy outside at a junkie convention. Suspicion of Intent, maybe you will do it someday. They take something away living neutered, taken your...