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I'm not gonna be with someone who doesn't make me happy

I’m not gonna be with someone who doesn’t make me happy

Peacock Feathers.
‘I’m not gonna stay with someone who doesn’t make me Happy’
All the Intent of putting it in ~ or another Red hot herring?
“Once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all”
“Don’t drink anyone else’s tears; You will die!”
The consciousness you give to being deluded.
Ego ~ Making the Fear, destroying any Trust.
As a child of God being nourished as every bird
eats & every flower grows from Cosmic energy.
You’re making a big deal out of Nothing ~
Everyone is Uniquely different; All in One.
“Let’s just do our best to fuck it all up!”
The Planet will carry on but we wont ~
I’m worshipping Surya’s love beams.